I have started to feel nostalgic about my freshman year up at utah state. i dunno. it's weird to think that i am almost done with my freshman year of college. there are a lot of things i regret (wasted kisses) and a lot of things i will miss (to many to put into parantheses) so i will compile a list (you probably know of my love for lists, it is almost as great as my love for parentheses).
things i will miss about my freshman year of college:
-davis hall- true it looks like a bomb shelter, and i was always embarrassed to show people where i live, but i have truly fallen completely attached to many aspects of this place.... like the banisters that are perfect for sliding down.
-the boys of 401- i feel bad, i haven't seen much of these boys this semester, since cassie and andrew left it hasn't been the same. these boys always put me in my place and help me open my door with a butter knife when i get locked out. i will never forget that infamous christmas tree burning on my birthday.
-being a freshman- being a freshman has been good to me. i am naturally gullible and ditsy. when people see me in my natural state they just say "oh, she's just a freshman, it's okay." but i have a feeling that next year i will need to find some new excuse for my weirdness.
-not having a car- true it was rather obnoxious at times not being able to just drive to the store, but i had gotten rather used to riding the public transportation, riding my bike, or cross country skiing around. didn't have to pay for gas, or parking.
-walking into valley view towers- i will deeply miss the estrogen overload that i feel when i walk into the all girls tower. ew. no i won't.
-kissing stupid people
-liking stupid people
-not breaking it off sooner with stupid people that always made me feel like crap.
-i kinda regret being anti-social, but not too much. i got good grades fool.
-not keeping in touch with people i really care about
-being a pushover
-not investing in good winter boots in december
-getting addicted to too much abc television
next year i will
-be more social
-get more involved in activities
-go to ethiopia to research environmental stuff
-study even harder
-be number one on the team
-focus more on the things that make me happy and eliminate the things that don't
-i really want to write for the paper. i miss it baaaaadly.
-find out where to buy blueberry pomegranate swirl with dark chocolate ice cream. :)
Ragged Ann
1 week ago
haha. your lists are always my favorite. always.
um here is a list of things that i love about this entry...
1. you mentioned valley view tower: estrogen and hell fire
2. you thinking you need a reason to be the ditzy/gullible kim that i love.
3. the thought of you cross country skiing around campus
4.you quest for the one ice cream to rule them all.
Random comment here, but I googled "Ripped Ones" (because I was listening to Loro on my playlist) and a link to your blog was the first link to show up. Congrats! Anyway, excellent choice of music. Ironically, I also attend school in Utah, but at the Y.
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