i was hurt. i really was. i read what he wrote about me and it hurt. i think that was the intention. well it worked. but it's okay because i am over it. i have realized i should just surround myself with positive things and positive relationships. The ones that lift me up instead of making me feel down. There are so many people in my life that i know truly care about me... why have i spent so much time focusing on the ones that don't. i'm through with that. and that makes me smile.
so today was one of the best days i have had in a long time. here's why:
-two old ladies in the library commented on how much they love my boots
-girl in the bathroom said she loved my hat
-boy in math class said he liked my scarf
-we have a ron paul club on campus and i joined
-political discussion for two hours
-as well as a two hour religious discussion
-my new asian friend fellow libertarian and ron paul lover, Denny! (also i found out we have biology together)
-did not fall asleep in biology
-secret notes hidden throughout my room (found the ones in my tissue box, running shoe, english binder, and moose cup)
-i'm getting tanner
yes today was a good day. i actually accomplished a lot and learned so much. the political discussion was the best. the libertarian representative kicked ass at answering the questions. but i was annoyed with the republican representative because he did not act like a republican at all. i was rather upset at the lack of people that showed up. there were maybe 20 of us. it is absolutely ridiculous. i can't believe how ignorant people are, how they are just perfectly content with idiots running the country. geh. it's frustrating how ignorant people are.
i am happy. sunshinekylewarmthmittens.
Big Red
1 month ago
Don't you just HATE what the republican party has turned into? They used to be somewhat akin to libertarians. If I recall correctly, the old GOP favored small government and whatnot.
i wish i coulda gone to the political discussion.
and too bad the religious discussion wasn't nearly interesting as it coulda been. but it kinda made me laugh that the lds guy misquoted to book o' mormon
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