i long to be in a place where i don't feel stifled to the point of near madness,
where i can run outside without fear of another bout of bronchitis,
where people don't try so hard to look like they rolled out of bed,
where i am not just a number or another blurry face in a crowd,
where i won't get stuck in traffic,
where people build their houses around the existing trees
where people are real
and friends don't lie,
where clocks don't matter,
where roads aren't paved
and dogs aren't on leashes
where i can walk around barefoot
and not step on glass,
where people sit on porches
and wave at the seldom seen passer by
where gardens grow,
where people cook,
where i have time to read a book
where we can all live free
and be whoever it is we want to be
i long for a place like this.
Big Red
4 weeks ago
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