Tuesday, September 2, 2008

i know this is mean.....

can i just say that i LOVE it that the mean/cheerleader type girls that were considered "hot" and "popular" in high school are putting on extra pounds and kinda letting themselves go.
i love it.
i thought i would have to wait until my 10 year reunion to see the change.
i know that is very mean to say. but maybe now they will start to learn how to treat people because they can't get by on good looks anymore.

i am so mean.
i really don't care.
if only you knew.
it makes me so very happy inside.
i am going to hell.


Amanda said...

Oh my gosh I totally agree, my roommate last year and all of her friends for sure, they all went home every weekend to go to their high school football games, i thought it was ridiculous. Oh i could go on for ages, so don't worry if you're going to hell then so am i. p.s. we really should make t-shirts, that would rock.

Elysie said...

ha ha ha ha ha. i love you kim.